Dressed for the occasion: AMCO’s popular F-15 Disc Harrow sports a manly shade of pink for the month of October. The company is donating two percent of its equipment sales customers choose to have painted pink to the Walk Through the Zoo 5K event and the Mississippi Witness Project.
Things will take on a rosy tone at AMCO Manufacturing Company this October. In support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the agricultural equipment manufacturer plans to offer customers the option of ordering any of its products in pink. Two percent of the sales of pink-painted equipment will be donated to the Walk Through the Zoo 5K event, to be held on November 2 in Yazoo City.
“I have two aunts who battled breast cancer, and my father also fought cancer and lost,” said AMCO Marketing Manager Michael Atwood. “Breast cancer seems to touch everyone. Any farmer you talk to has a sister, cousin, mother, a good friend or someone in their life who has faced this disease.”
Of the decision to paint AMCO tillage tools pink rather than the normal deep yellow, Atwood said, “We wanted to do something outside the box to bring awareness to the cause. There is still so much more we can do.
“Plus, only REAL farmers can pull pink,” he added with a smile. The pink paint will still be a practical choice for farmers—its durability matches that of the company’s normal coat of paint. “AMCO tools have long lives. We hope this promotion will make everyone who sees this tough, pink tillage equipment in action will stop to think about what they can do to support a loved one, or someone else’s love one, fighting breast cancer.”
Cancer patients in Mississippi will benefit from 100 percent of the proceeds raised from AMCO purchases. All of the donations made to Walk through the Zoo are turned over to the Mississippi Witness Project based in Jackson, a nonprofit organization that helps primarily breast cancer patients with anything they might need, from help paying a lighting bill to transportation to and from treatments.
Melissa Stanley, who co-founded Walk Through the Zoo last year to enhance the women’s programming at the Yazoo City Federal Prison where she works, said of the event, “It started out as a way to raise awareness for breast cancer and it has just been amazing how it’s grown. We’re a small community and AMCO has been here for a long time, so we’re thrilled to have them be a part of this. When you see a pink disc in a field, you’ll know it’s for breast cancer!”
If you would like more information on ordering the toughest tillage tools on the market in pink, you can contact AMCO at 800-748-9022 or email sales@amcomfg.com.